Embrace the exotic flavors of the tropics with our tantalizing Grilled Plantains recipe! Bursting with natural sweetness and a hint of smokiness, this delectable dish brings the best of both worlds to your plate. Whether served as a delightful side dish or a scrumptious snack, grilled plantains never fail to impress with their irresistible combination of caramelized goodness and savory notes. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through a simple and mouthwatering Grilled Plantains recipe that will elevate your culinary repertoire.

Celebrating the Allure of Grilled Plantains

Before we delve into the recipe, let’s celebrate the allure of Grilled Plantains Recipe. Originating from the lush landscapes of the Caribbean and beyond, grilled plantains offer a delightful contrast of textures and flavors. The slightly crispy exterior harmonizes with the tender and succulent interior, creating an unforgettable taste experience that transports you to a tropical paradise.

Gathering the Ingredients

To create a batch of scrumptious Grilled Plantains, gather the following ingredients:

  • Ripe plantains (yellow or slightly blackened for optimal sweetness)
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil or melted butter
  • Pinch of salt
  • Optional: A sprinkle of cinnamon or chili powder for added flavor (adjust to taste)

Step-by-Step Grilled Plantains Recipe

Now, let’s embark on the journey to grill these delectable plantains:

  1. Preheat your grill to medium-high heat, or prepare a stovetop grill pan for indoor grilling.
  2. While the grill is heating, peel the ripe plantains and slice them diagonally into 1-inch thick pieces. The diagonal cut provides a larger surface area for grilling, enhancing the caramelization.
  3. In a bowl, drizzle the vegetable oil or melted butter over the sliced plantains, ensuring each piece is coated evenly.
  4. Season the plantains with a pinch of salt to balance the sweetness and add depth to the flavors.
  5. For an extra touch of flavor, sprinkle cinnamon or chili powder over the plantains according to your preference.
  6. Once the grill is hot, place the plantain slices directly on the grates. Grill each side for approximately 2-3 minutes or until grill marks appear, giving them a lovely charred appearance.
  7. Remove the grilled plantains from the heat and transfer them to a serving plate.

Also Read: Best Homemade Plantain Chips Recipe

Serving Suggestions

Your Grilled Plantains are now ready to be savored! Here are some serving suggestions to elevate your experience:

  • Enjoy the grilled plantains as a delightful side dish with your favorite grilled meats, seafood, or poultry.
  • Create a unique and wholesome dessert by serving the grilled plantains with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a drizzle of honey.
  • Add grilled plantains to tacos, burritos, or sandwiches for a delightful twist on classic dishes.


Congratulations! You’ve mastered the art of making Grilled Plantains—a luscious and flavorsome tropical treat that adds a touch of paradise to your table. Embrace the exotic allure of grilled plantains, and let their sweetness and smokiness transport you to a sunny Caribbean escape. Share the joy of this delightful dish with friends and family, and revel in the satisfaction of creating a taste experience that’s both sweet and savory. Whether you’re hosting a summer barbecue or simply craving a tropical indulgence, Grilled Plantains will undoubtedly leave you longing for more!

Grilled Plantains Recipe


What are Grilled Plantains?

Grilled Plantains are ripe plantains that have been sliced and cooked on a grill or grill pan. The grilling process caramelizes the natural sugars in the plantains, creating a sweet and savory dish with a delightful smoky flavor.

How do I know when plantains are ripe enough for grilling?

For grilling, it’s best to use ripe plantains that have turned yellow with a few black spots. The more black spots they have, the sweeter they will be. Avoid using green plantains for grilling, as they will be too starchy and not as sweet.

Can I grill plantains indoors?

Yes, you can grill plantains indoors using a stovetop grill pan. Preheat the grill pan over medium-high heat and follow the same steps as you would for outdoor grilling.

Do I need to use oil or butter when grilling plantains?

Using oil or melted butter helps prevent the plantains from sticking to the grill and adds a rich flavor. You can use vegetable oil, olive oil, or melted butter for grilling plantains.

How long do I grill plantains?

Grill the plantain slices for about 2-3 minutes on each side or until grill marks appear and they are caramelized. Cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of the slices and the heat of the grill.

Can I add spices or seasonings to grilled plantains?

Absolutely! You can add a pinch of salt to enhance the flavors of the plantains. Additionally, you can sprinkle cinnamon or chili powder over the plantains for a delightful touch of spice.

How do I serve grilled plantains?

Grilled plantains can be served as a side dish to complement grilled meats, seafood, or poultry. They also make a delicious addition to tacos, burritos, sandwiches, or salads. For a delightful dessert, serve them with a scoop of ice cream or a drizzle of honey.

Can I prepare grilled plantains in advance?

Grilled plantains are best enjoyed fresh from the grill. However, you can prepare the plantains by slicing and marinating them in oil or butter in advance. Keep them refrigerated until ready to grill for a convenient and flavorful option.


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